Top industries that benefit from water jet cutting technology

Top industries that benefit from water jet cutting technology

In today’s rapidly evolving industrial landscape, precision and efficiency are paramount. Waterjet cutting technology has emerged as a revolutionary method for achieving highly accurate cuts in various materials, ranging from metals and composites to stone and glass. In this blog, we will explore the top industries that benefit from waterjet cutting technology and how it…

Indigenous artwork features at Broome International Airport

Indigenous artwork: from sketch to floor inlays with Australian Waterjet Cutting

At Australian Waterjet Cutting, we take pride in producing beautiful cultural artworks like the collection of Indigenous art floor inlays we made for Broome International Airport. The project involved seven circular floor art pieces depicting animals that represent the seasons of the Yawuru calendar. The Yuwara calendar is the traditional calendar created by native title…

AWJ for Defence: cutting bulletproof material with precision

Defence is going ballistics for waterjet: cutting bulletproof material with precision

At Australian Waterjet Cutting, we’re not just limited to cutting through soft materials like rubber and foam. Our waterjet cutting technology allows us to cut through even the toughest of materials. These ballistic materials are vital in protecting those who serve our country, and we take great pride in providing precise and reliable cutting services…

Cutting bisallot steel with precision

Cutting Bisalloy with precision: why waterjet is a cut above the rest

Bisalloy is a high-performance steel known for its incredible strength and durability, making it an ideal material for use in demanding applications such as mining, construction, and defence. However, cutting this material precisely and efficiently can be a challenge, and traditional cutting methods often fall short. That’s where waterjet cutting machines come in. Waterjet cutting…

Non-destructive water jet cutting for testing and quality control

Non-Destructive Testing: Why Waterjet Cutting is the Missing Step in Your Quality Control Processes

Visually inspecting, ultrasound testing, and other non-destructive testing will only get you so far. And while these methods have their place, when you need to know what’s going on inside of an enclosed  solid object, there’s only one way: waterjet cut it! To analyse the cause of a failure, or to undertake preventive quality control…